Jiangsu Shuguang
  • Promote energy revolution driven by energy restructuring practice
      According to Xinhua News Agency, more than 200 kilometers away from Beijing, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province energy revolution will push depth, wind power and photovoltaic, represented by renewable energy will replace the existing thermal power-dominat
  • Iranian crude oil "ban" the impact of the international market
      Return to the oil market  Iran, as the world's top ten oil-producing countries and the world's fourth largest proven reserves of crude oil country, every move will have an impact on the global oil market. The current two main internation
  • China will build a solar thermal power industry in Western chain
      Solar thermal power industry development forum held recently in Qinghai, deputy director of the National Energy Administration Liu Qi said that China's western regions have vast unused land resources, huge resource potential development of solar